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[原创] 职责描述 [发表于 2005/3/29]
状态 开放帖 精华贴 浏览量 2303   

>>> 由论坛统一发布的广告:
楼主 美女约,不在线,有人找我吗?Beatrice

职务 无
军衔 无军衔
来自 四川
发帖 2篇
注册 2005/1/21
PM币 45
经验 8点

Re:[原创] 职责描述 [回复于 2005/3/29]

JOB DESCRIPTION  Department: Group CN. Project Management Office
 Section Administration :
Job tile: Style Group Project Management Director
Responsible To: General Manager Of Style Group..
Responsible For: Strategic Planing for Style Group Project management office set up and Organization, ,Performance , Working Procedure, budget evaluation for Group PMO employee.
Supervision & management Advice from:
Communication reporting : .
Working cooperate with Sales &Marketing manager( Mr. ), Service &Support Manager MR. ,Group Administration Director ().
Job. Location: Chengdu office, China.
Purpose: 1.Build up and Managing Style group CN .Project management office. 2. Defining the role that project play in organization and provides a framework of project management processes and generic project phases around in structure. 3. Defining and procedure ,performance the principles of govern –How projects are RUN.. 4. set up Each of the project management processes applied through each of life of project 5. Defining and managing each phase of a project
Task and Duties:1. .Build up and Managing Style group CN .Project management office.Organization a projects process to make up of project team groups of people doing things from varied but everything be categorized as either a project or a process.2.Identifying project management target ,managing projects(1)set up and managing projects and processes to reach our target on project excellence.(2Managing and Identified project internal and external Risk actively and ,ranked or prioritized risks according theirseverity Clear indication of threats of the project according the ranked list of risk ,from the critical highprobability /high impact risks must be addressed ,to the low probability/low impact risks can be ignored. a.Risk management ---.decision over what action to take over a particular risk will depend on the relative balance of the business severity of the risk and the business costs of the management actions.* business risk (changing marketing conditions, legal affairs or market was mis judged-customer may not buy ects…*project risk. (user acceptance risk ;security and confidentially risk; management support and advocacy; missing tasks or hidden dependencies in the plan. Failure of a subcontractor to delivery satisfactorily; uncertainty about user requirements; mismatch between the skills required and employee available in the firm; technical risk; lack of relevant experience successfully executing similar projects; personal clashes within team; Degree innovation required and consequent uncertain over whether the chosen approach will work; timescale risk; project costs risk; output quality risk*task riskc. set up the risk control.*prevention procedure*Reduction (measures and place to limit either the probability that risk occurs or impact if it doesn't occurs.*transference (commercial terms of subcontractor contracts which inc. penalty clause to cover costs of getting the work done elsewhere or insurance contracts.d. Contingency identifying and preventionse. Acceptance risk management.d. building up risk management process*risk management workshop high ;medium low—probability and impactintegration test fail-probability; impact; severity; management actions responsibilitytrader terminals unavailable for development work-- probability; impact; severity; management actions responsibilityuser documentation not printed in time for roll-out - probability; impact; severity; management actions responsibilityDevelopment system software application and upgrade not available- probability; impact; severity; management actions responsibility*continuous review and analysis risk management process and performance. Set up risk management which is preferable to crisis management which protect the business by taking a dispassionate view of what might go wrong and what can done to limit the likelihood and impact of such events.:Identified sources of risk and sized set up a prevention and control measures. sources of risk(3) set up Scope management (1)Scope creep a. either suggestion is accepted and the project is committed to do things that were not in the plan usually leading to cost, and time overruns, and /or compromised technical quality b. the suggestion is automatically rejected and the firm losses an opportunity somehow to improve the returns on its investment in the project recognize the dangerous suggestions which might come from all sorts of directions (example:*other staff within the firm might spot parallels between what this project is seeking to achieve and their own needsa slight modification or enhancement to this project could make it solve a second group’s needs in addition to original user group ,-might be better and more efficient to satisfy this second group this way than to run an entire project from them alone.* problem is the insertion of intermediate target dates or extra intermediate deliverables which can greatly increase the return on a project investment., but adding a second set of user requirements part-way through often sets the whole project back almost to the beginning, while trying to produce additional mock-ups of output in time for a public relations event can stop everyone on the team from working on the real outputs.*project team members –most creative sources of scope creep*End-Users can easily introduce scope Creep through their feedback on early previews of project outputs..to recognize that scope and effort(hence costs and timescales)are directly related.* Eternal suppliers. Can suffer from the same temptations to over-engineer a solution as internal team members.*Legal or regulatory change can alter the nature of allowable project outcomes overnight .need stop-re –plan; re-confirm that new project ects…(2)the issues log: Issue number /issue type/originator/Date identified/Description of the issue /current status(3)Scope management processa. target completion date for project ;b. project costs c. quantity ;quality and performance of the project deliverables , i.e. changes to the users needs(4) project planning; planning the work.*report the truth *manage scope /time/cost tradeoff –specification/measurable/achievable/ realistic/timeda. definitions to set up planning tools.b work breakdown structure .to classify the details object.c .Gantt project timeline charts.d. Resolving resource contention/resource levelinge. Network PERT-(Project Evaluation and Review Technique) diagramsf. planning process.g. understand the requirement and Identifying taskh. set up project structure ,control ,risk management lines.e. building the Critical chain planning and critical chain resource balancing.f .Reducing scope g. Changing Structure h. shortening task durations(5) set up Monitoring and controls and follow up chart for projects.(a)Information gathering structure and task information gathering.(b)project report structure and supervise team members working according project plan.(c)task allocation procedure and conduct (d)Progress tracing using critical chain/ Gantt charts./PERT/critical path(f)problem diagnosis and resolution *. Identification*. problem causes *. finding a solutions*. reviews, reporting and control.(6) project everyday basics records and administration (such as meetings and keep records. etcs) management.a. Time recording :rational/processb. Meetings schedule: rational./process/c. Project file :rationale/process –which documents shall we put in to project folder?; when do we allowed individuals to take documents out of the master project file ects.d. Documents Version control : rationale/processc. Purchasing Authority : rationale/process.6 through PMO to organization the right people are available at right time in team working.Get the right skills for People ,set up two-ways communication lines. in group companies.3.. set up the procedure of a project management leader the responsibility with authority management procedure.Supervise the team leader Responsibility for a task or a project has been delegated,then the authority to take the decisions needed to get to the agreed objective is also delegated..responsiblity for team orientation in group companies and managing worthwhile investing energy in building team spirit.--Managers must manage morale ,personality ‘fit’ and should must encourage team thinking.. 4. Define Generics projects life cycle outline and make working procedure for project manager& programme board. Ects…(1)Define phase to package of project-related work in group activities. And define phase objects.a. Identify the Various stakeholders whom would be involved b. Clarify and quantify desired business benefits which should result form the projectc. Identify and note any known overlaps with scope of other active or proposed projects.d. carry out any preliminary studies or feasibility exercises that may be necessary to prove the best approach to use in the projecte.plan overall project in as much depth as possible, with clearly defined breakpoints if it’s not possible to plan in details through to completionf. Identify the project risks and assess which of these be addressed in the plang. Summarize the above information in PID that contains the initial business casef. Gain approval for the project defined in PID.(2)Define Scope (3) Start inputs: standard template information.(4)Deliverables: *completed Project Initiation Documents (PID) Details projects planning /giving confidence in timings &costs of undertake project./risk assessment and management planning//”Frozen’ user requirements(not only must the requirements themselves that agreed and signed off by everyone concerned ,but must also agree that the requirements will not be changed thereafter without due process./business case-showing how the project is justified by improved revenues ,reduced costs or improved management of business risks.*Authorization for the project ,in the form of au authorized PID (5)Defining Responsibilities in team organization.a. idea originator b. Sponsor*setting aside sufficient time to understand the project and support the definition phases activities.*reviewing and advising on PID as it’s in preparation.*signing off the completed PID so that can be to the programme board for approval .c. defining project manager responsibilities *ensuring their own understanding of the project objective*defining the scope of the proposed project *during phase if it’ required: assembling, briefing and managing the define phase project team. *prepare the Project Initiation documents: -negotiating and clarifying user requirement, scope ,and objectives with interested parties and recording the final agreements clearly and unambiguously.-producing the overall project planning, include timescales ,costs , and risk management plan.(6)build up and managing project program board organization in PMO a Program board will review the project initiation documents and compare the proposed project with other proposed uses if the company resources and will either provided a provide approval to proceed with the project ,or will defer or reject the proposal. Approved of a PID by a Program board IN PMO is approved to use resources and spend the money specified in the PID.(7)Sep up End-user representative management in Project management teams. And set up the important Final-user requirement documents database and information transmit structure. appoint someone “voice of Customer” for projects in PMO As a End-user representative.The person have a decisive input into the final user requirements and so they must be appointed at the define stage to be committed it’s success.Ender –user representative responsible to the customers ,rather then to project and should be able to distinguish Between actions which help project alone and actions which help the customer as well as a project.(8) set up management External-supplier critical pieces of work in PMOa. ensuring and confirming their own understanding of the project objectives ,and their own roles is to be achieving those projects.b .Proving timely and accurate responses to support the PID.Co-operating with the task breakdown ,allocation and estimating process, and participating fully in the risk identification and management activities.(9) Defining projects organization and set up project team management.(1)defining projects Rolessponsor/project manager/team member/ programme board/project supporting planning. (2)stakeholders management .each project will have a group of interested individual inside and sometimes outside the organization.a. the direct users of the project outputb. elsewhere in organization whose day-to-day jobs will be affected by the project c. managers and team members which depend on this project to provide either certain outputs or to make resources available by a Certain date.d. People outside the organization who have a particular view about what the project are trying to achieve and who may cause considerable damage to the organization’s good name if they feel that actions are inappropriate. e. Previous buyers of goods or services who may react positively or negatively to news about the development.f. Suppliers and distributions who may be fearful that changes implied by the project will mean a loss of business.(3)Based budgeting working with Specialist and advisors for quickly and used appropriately to address a specific problem from internal and external experts.(4) external suppliers critical output ,responsible for overall delivery and PMO should managing the mangers should manage the supplier with no less care and attention than internal resources. Supplier should be set on Scope object ,and be required to give timed and accurate process reports like other members of the tam.(5)management resources for End- users and End-User representative.Keep communications working effectively –in user group appoint out a single point of contract to handle theInterface with project.(this representative may need to have the authority to make binding decisions on behalf of user group ,inc. the decisions to accept or reject changes in the project objectives.(6)Team management.Team selection/Gaining and maintaining authority(reward power ,expert power, referent power, coercive power)/working styles/Moral model/Supervision5.set up Defining a project phases processa. Define phases process flowchart. (ex. ….)b. Establish objectives and scope. *project deliverables.*system interfaces*system constraints*project constraints*project dependences.c. plan the project d. project business case study*increasing revenues*decreasing costs*Decreasing capital requirement *meet a legal or regulatory requirement *reduce business risk.e. Measure of a breakeven time in PMO. And set up a procedure for a simple threshold of a maximum payback time calculation . these weakness are overcome by looking a project’s net present value or internal rate return.Example:f. calculation Net present valueg. calculation IRR an d hurdle Ratesh. set up management with cash-flow projections spreadsheets together with Accounting department.I: gathering project Initiation document information and Create whole PID in PMO 6. Design project life cycle stages.a. design the objectives phase to *generate a design for a solution that will satisfy the user requirementsb. create a test strategy that will reveal areas of the solution which do not meet user requirements and they can subsequently show that the redesigned solution dose meet full user requirements.c. Produce a updated and re-confirmed plan set out in PID ,lead to phase completion on time ,at a agreed costs and with acceptable risk.(1) starting inputs.a. signed ,authorized PID with concomitant funding and resources b. agreed user requirements c. firm-wide constraints or procedures that will influence the solution.(2) Deliverablesa. a solution that can be shown to address each and every part of the user requirements.b. A re-confirmed plan fro subsequent phases incorporating the effects of all the new information discovered during the design phasesc. Regular project process and status reports for sponsor and program board and project manager.(3) Defining Designing organization Responsibilitiesa. Sponsor : responsible for ensuring the funds and resources allocate to the project are well spend and kept with the anticipated business objects. Take a role of build a support among other senior staff in anticipation of project deliverables . b. Set up a project manager responsibilities.*assembling project team and allocating task responsibility and authority to team members unambiguously so that each can pursue their allocated tasks independently.*Monitoring process against plan and managing the critical chain.c. set up team members responsibilities .*endure that they have a clear and correct understanding of tasks they have been ask to do.*execute the tasks assigned by project manager , take the responsibilities and authority within the agreed boundaries for each task.*Report progress ,problems ,and concerns in good time to the project manager . *acknowledge that responsibilities for project success is held jointly by project team ,which be sure team members should support each other actively rather than have each individual working only for their own benefits.e. Program board responsibilities*intervene to take corrective action on project on a exception basis ,using the information provided in the project status reports.*when necessary ,change the prioritization of project in firm’s portfolio to reflect new information. Update existing projects and have better access to resources f. End-user Representative responsibilities.g. External suppliers responsibilities definingh. deign process ; example design phase process flowchart : fig:9.1Fig 9.1 Daft kick-off meeting agenda.7..Build and test on projects life cycle outlinedemonstrate that the project output fulfils the user requirements set our the project definition phase .(1) scope:In Scope  Out of scope
*building one or more examples of the design up to the limits sets out in the plan *deign, build and validation of equipment to manufacture the design if appropriate *preparation and approval of test .*testing of the designed solution in parts and as a whole to establish whether user requirement are met.*remedial action to correct non-compliance  .*resolving differences between what users say they want now and what they said during project definition(use scope management process)*supporting and use of project outputs outside agreed tests.
(2)starting inputs..a/PID authorized by the program steering committee.b. User requirements (maybe incorporated in PID)c. a design for a solution that is believed to address all of the user requirements.(3)deliverablesa. one or more examples of desired project outputs that have passed all required test b.test procedures and equipment that can shown to be able distinguish between compliant and none –compliant solutionc. Test results demonstrating performance in line with requirement.e. Documentation showing which single final version of the design is capable passing all the tests.f. an updated plan for implement phases incorporating all relevant new information (4)Defining Responsibilities in testing project.a. Sponsor:Sponsor : responsible for ensuring the funds and resources allocate to the project are well spend and kept with the anticipated business objects. This will involve monitoring progress reported in weekly reports form project manager against plan ,and intervening to protect the project investment if required .reviewing and approving test documentations to acknowledge that test procedures and results are acceptable on behalf of them(5)Defining project manager responsibilities in testing project phses.a. planning the activities and managing the work against the plan.b. managing the critical chains: tracking progress ,and taking management actions when appropriatec. reporting progresse. Allocating tasks to individuals and ensuring co-ordination between all tasks.f. Ensuring that whatever is built can be demonstrated to correspond to what was designed ,and that proper records link different versions of design ,the hardware and the test procedure used.g. ensuring the test procedures are adequate for showing that project outputs are fit for purpose and that the final test results provides sufficient proof of the system capability.(6)Set up team member responsibilities in testing project.a. ensure team members understanding the task they have been asked to do .b. Excute the task assigned by the project manager ,tasking responsibilities and authority within the agreed boundariesof each taskc .report process ,problems and concern s to project manager in timely manner. d. acknowledge that responsibilities for project success in held jointly by project team.e. Program board responsibility *intervene to take corrective action on project on a exception basis ,using the information provided in the project status reports.*when necessary ,change the prioritization of project in firm’s portfolio to reflect new information. Update existing projects and have better access to resources f. End-user Representative responsibilities.g. External suppliers responsibilities defining(7)Built and test phases process flowchart: Fig :10.1(8)build and test program sequence:Fig 10.28.implement project life cycle stagesensure the project output s are adopted by the business and secure the business benefits so that will persist after the project has finished.(1) ScopeIn Scope  Out of scope
*two-way communications wit user and other stakeholders to get buy –in and make the roll-out process work smoothly *train and support of users and those who will be providing ongoing support*replication /distribution of project outputs, and resolution of associated issues .*adding new features or enhancements in response to user comments(note them for a possible follw0on project)*continuing support for a new business process*tacking strategic or regulatory barriers to adoption that emerged during the project (these should have been indentified as emerging risks and escalated through the sponsor earlier in the project.
(2) starting inputs.a. signed ,re-confirmed PID giving authorities to spend on roll-out.b. Validate new products and /or process that is known to confirm to user requirements.c. Implement phases plan update with best information available at the beginning of the phases.(4) Deliverables A finished project ,with users using outputs and delivering business benefits,and no longer depending on project team for support. though the core deliverables of the project may be completed in phase there may be other activities after handover in the review phases.(5) Defining project implement phases organization Responsibilitiesa. Sponsor : responsible for project supervision and focus on business benefits throughout the project ,wil nevertheless responsible for ensuring that the outputs and adopted and supported by appropriate managersb. Set up a project manager responsibilities in implement ..*planning and managing project activities.*Monitoring and report progress against plan.*ensuring that business benefits are delivered *Monitoring process against plan and managing the critical chain.c. set up team members responsibilities in implement phses:.*endure that they have a clear and correct understanding of tasks they have been ask to do.*execute the tasks, using initiative to solve problems by themselves within the boundaries of their delegated authority ,and escalate other problems up the management chain. * communication effectively with project managers and other team members about progress ,problems and risks.d. set up program board responsibilities.*monitor project status and intervene if required *manage the firm’s project portifolio continuously to keep returns optimal . occasionally raising or lowering the priority of individual ongoing projects.f. End-user Representative responsibilities*action as a lead end –user or champion among the user community *take on sub-project managers responsibilities for some of the handover activities*signing off the project to acknowledges that the team have delivered.*action as a trusted intermediary in negotiations with user groups who may for whatever reason,believe that what is being delivered doesn't meet their needs.g. External suppliers responsibilities defining in implement phases during implements phases :supplier (external companies) will take on responsibilities for ongoing support of finished project output. Such responsibilities probably fall outside the scope of the project ,but defining these responsibilitiesand negotiating the support contract may well form part of the project.(6) fig 11.1 implement phases process flowchartFig 11.2 typical project spend profile .8 review project life cycle stagesensure that everything set up or created specially for project is properly shutdown so that no further costs are incurred and resources can be allocated to other tasks/capture what was learned during the project so that it can be organization a whole /review opportunities for enhancements to project deliverables ,or unrelated spin-off projects ,and decide how to deal with them(1) ScopeIn Scope  Out of scope
*returning hire or leaned equipment*decommissioning facilities ,test management database and hardware or software.*arching for future project refernce and possible regulatory purposes.*reviewing project with users ,team memebes,and other stakeholders.  Enhancement or support of primary project deliverables.
(2)starting inputs.a. Shutdown planb. PID wit authorities to carry out review phases work.(3)Deliverables a. all recurring costs which are incurred purely on behalf on the project shutdownb. project file archived c. Post- implementation review report. (4)Defining project review phases organization Responsibilitiesa.Sponsor : responsible for protect the commercial interested of the firm by ensuring that the project gets properly shutdown and dose not leave behind lingering costs.Review the project and decide which of suggested spin-off projects should be turned into a proposal.b .set up a project manager responsibilities in review phase ..*planning and managing project activities.*Monitoring and report progress.*ensuring that the project is truly finished and shutdown. c. set up team members responsibilities in review phases:.*endure that they have a clear and correct understanding of tasks they have been ask to do.*be called upon to take part in honest and opne discussion of project so that as mush as possible is learned form it.d. set up program board responsibilities.Expect to see regular reports and will intervene if required. Also reviewing the suggestion for spin-off projects presented in the normal way as PIDs for approval. f. End-user Representative responsibilities*as a sources of learning about their experiences of the process used to distil user needs to be recorded just as much as that of the project team(5)review phases process flowchart . fig. 11..4.
Other Features : working together with personal Department and support personal Director. Set up:1. Making the Jobs description for the team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end usersrepresentative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO 2.. Make the Task and Duties and Purpose for team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end users representative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO 3..Set up Job Analysis for team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end usersrepresentative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO 4..Make the Job Questionnaire for team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end usersrepresentative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO 5..Application for team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end usersrepresentative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO 6.make the merit system Panning . team members and projects managers ,sponsors ,end usersrepresentative and supplier representative. And employee in PMO
Prepare By: Jane Tang General Manager.Signature :  Job title: Group Project management office director Name : Signature :
Group Personal &HR Deputy Director : Signature : Style International Group Stamp by :CN. Administration office :

1楼 美女约,不在线,有人找我吗?Beatrice

职务 无
军衔 无军衔
来自 四川
发帖 2篇
注册 2005/1/21
PM币 45
经验 8点

Re:[原创] 职责描述 [回复于 2005/4/7]
2楼 帅哥约,不在线,有人找我吗?大漠

职务 无
军衔 三等兵
来自 广东省
发帖 19篇
注册 2011/5/24
PM币 -5
经验 30点

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